The Benefits of Marketing Automation for Small Businesses

At WaveFlow Marketing, we have been helping businesses scale their operations using paid traffic for the last two years. Our experience has taught us that before diving into paid advertising, it's crucial to optimize a business's funnel, from the first ad and webpage to the follow-up process and sales. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of marketing automation for small businesses and how it can help generate leads that are ready to close.

The Benefits of Marketing Automation for Small Businesses

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation refers to the use of software and technology to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email, SMS, and social media. This allows businesses to streamline their marketing efforts, save time, and increase efficiency.

Following up leads in Victoria British Columbia for a Small Business Inforgraphic
You need automation in your business

Why Marketing Automation Matters for Small Businesses

1. Time and Resource Savings

One of the most significant benefits of marketing automation is the time and resources it saves. Small businesses often have limited staff, and marketing automation allows them to focus on other crucial aspects of their operations. With automated sales follow-up services, businesses can save time on tasks like sending emails, texts, and voicemails.

2. Better Lead Nurturing

Marketing automation helps small businesses nurture leads effectively. Email, SMS, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook are just a few of the platforms that can be used to engage with prospects at different stages of the sales funnel. Automated follow-ups and personalized content can result in better conversion rates.

3. Improved Data Analysis

With marketing automation, businesses can collect valuable data on customer behavior and preferences. Web analytics can help businesses make informed decisions about their marketing strategies and optimize their campaigns for better results.

4. Scalability

As a business grows, marketing automation can adapt and scale accordingly. It allows businesses to reach larger audiences without additional effort or resources.

Marketing Automation Tools and Services

Marketing automation software like GoHighLevel and Hubspot offer businesses the opportunity to automate their marketing processes. However, these tools can be complex, confusing, and expensive if not used correctly.

At WaveFlow Marketing, we offer a range of services to help businesses succeed, including paid advertisement management, website building, funnel and optimization, and press marketing. Our automated sales follow-up services are available as part of our comprehensive packages, ensuring a seamless and effective marketing automation experience.

GoHighLevel and Hubspot Automation for business users in Canada and marketers
Which is better? GHL or Hubspot?

Examples of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation can take many forms, depending on the needs and goals of a business. One example is an automated email campaign that sends out a series of targeted emails to prospects based on their behavior or actions. For instance, if a visitor signs up for a newsletter or downloads a free resource, the automation tool can automatically send out a welcome email, followed by a series of follow-up emails with relevant content or offers, nurturing the lead towards conversion.

The Four Pillars of Marketing Automation

  1. Lead Generation: Marketing automation helps businesses generate leads by capturing the contact information of potential customers through tactics like landing pages, forms, and gated content.
  2. Lead Nurturing: Once leads are generated, marketing automation helps businesses nurture these leads through personalized and targeted communication, such as email campaigns, social media interactions, and retargeting ads.
  3. Lead Scoring: Marketing automation can help businesses prioritize leads by assigning scores based on their actions and engagement levels. This allows sales teams to focus on leads with the highest potential for conversion.
  4. Analytics and Reporting: Marketing automation tools provide in-depth analytics and reporting features that allow businesses to track their campaigns' performance and make data-driven decisions for improvement.

Using Automation in Small Business

To use automation in a small business, follow these steps:

  1. Identify your goals and objectives: Determine what you want to achieve with marketing automation, such as increasing conversions, improving customer retention, or generating more leads.
  2. Choose the right marketing automation tool: Research various marketing automation tools and select one that aligns with your business needs, goals, and budget.
  3. Map out your customer journey: Understand the steps your customers go through from awareness to purchase and identify areas where automation can help improve the experience.
  4. Set up your campaigns: Create targeted campaigns using your chosen marketing automation tool, such as email campaigns, social media posts, or SMS messages.
  5. Monitor and optimize: Regularly analyze your marketing automation campaigns' performance and optimize them to achieve better results.

Automating a Marketing Business

To automate a marketing business, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Automate lead capture using forms, landing pages, and gated content.
  2. Schedule social media posts and advertising campaigns in advance.
  3. Set up automated email campaigns to nurture leads and engage customers.
  4. Implement lead scoring to prioritize leads and improve sales efficiency.
  5. Utilize chatbots to handle customer inquiries and provide support.
  6. Leverage analytics and reporting tools to monitor performance and make data-driven decisions.

Five Examples of Automation

  1. Automated email campaigns that send targeted content based on user behavior or actions.
  2. Scheduled social media posts that publish automatically at predetermined times.
  3. Chatbots that handle customer inquiries and provide support 24/7.
  4. Lead scoring systems that assign values to leads based on their engagement levels.
  5. Retargeting ads that automatically display to users who have visited a website but did not convert.

The Best Marketing Automation Tool

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for the best marketing automation tool, as the right choice depends on a business's unique needs, goals, and budget. Some popular marketing automation tools include:

  • HubSpot: A comprehensive, all-in-one marketing automation platform that offers CRM, email marketing, social media management, and analytics.
  • ActiveCampaign: A powerful email marketing, marketing automation, and CRM platform with advanced segmentation and personalization features.
  • Mailchimp: An easy-to-use email marketing and automation tool with a focus on small businesses.
  • Marketo: A robust marketing automation platform designed for medium to large enterprises with advanced lead management and analytics features.
  • GetResponse: An all-in-one marketing platform with email marketing, landing pages, marketing automation

Why Does Marketing Automation Fail?

Marketing automation can fail for several reasons:

  1. Lack of clear goals and strategy: Implementing marketing automation without well-defined objectives and a comprehensive strategy can lead to wasted resources and poor results.
  2. Over-automation: Relying too heavily on automation and neglecting the human touch can result in impersonal and ineffective communication that alienates potential customers.
  3. Poor data quality: Marketing automation relies on accurate and up-to-date data to deliver personalized experiences. Inaccurate or outdated data can lead to irrelevant or poorly targeted campaigns.
  4. Insufficient staff training: If team members are not adequately trained on how to use marketing automation tools effectively, the results may be subpar.
  5. Lack of integration: Marketing automation tools need to be integrated with other systems, such as CRM and analytics platforms, to provide a seamless experience. Failure to do so can result in disjointed campaigns and missed opportunities.

Does Marketing Automation Really Work?

Yes, marketing automation can work effectively when implemented correctly. It can help businesses save time, resources, and increase the efficiency of their marketing efforts. When used strategically, marketing automation can lead to better customer engagement, improved lead nurturing, and higher conversion rates.

How Much Does a Marketing Automation Tool Cost?

The cost of marketing automation tools varies greatly depending on the platform, features, and the size of your business. Some tools offer free or low-cost plans with basic features, while others charge monthly or annual fees based on the number of contacts or users. Pricing can range from as low as $10 per month for basic plans to thousands of dollars per month for enterprise-level solutions.

Which Is the Cheapest Form of Marketing Tool?

The cheapest marketing tools are typically those with limited features or aimed at small businesses with lower marketing budgets. Some examples of low-cost marketing tools include:

  • Mailchimp: Offers a free plan with basic email marketing and automation features for up to 2,000 contacts.
  • SendinBlue: Provides a free plan that includes email marketing, SMS, and basic marketing automation features.
  • Buffer: A social media management tool with a free plan that allows scheduling posts for up to three social accounts.

It's important to note that while these tools may be more affordable, they might not offer the same advanced features or scalability as more expensive options.

What Is the Most Common Use of Marketing Automation?

The most common use of marketing automation is to streamline and automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email campaigns, social media posting, and lead nurturing. By automating these tasks, businesses can save time, improve efficiency, and deliver more personalized and targeted content to their audience, ultimately leading to better engagement and higher conversion rates.


Marketing automation can be a game-changer for small businesses, helping them save time, resources, and ultimately, drive more sales. If you're ready to scale your business and harness the power of marketing automation, contact WaveFlow Marketing today. Our team of experienced professionals can help optimize your funnel and develop a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to your business's needs.